The East & West Encounter Theatre Group

The Vagina Monologues

A play by Eve Ensler (in englischer Sprache)

EWE is happy to revive this very successful 2022 production of “The Vagina Monologues” by giving two additional performances of the same in 2023.

The play is based on “vagina interviews” conducted by Eve Ensler with over 200 women coming from extremely diverse age/social groups, professions and sexual/racial communities. The process initially enabled these women to tell their individual “vagina stories” which Eve Ensler then transformed into “vagina monologues” for the purpose of writing her play and updating it regularly ever since then. The monologues therefore bring to the stage real-life “vagina experiences” which remain highly relevant for women and men alike to date. 

Experience sharing is almost always euphorically liberating. And it becomes even more so when the subject at stake is this “intimate part” of a woman’s body that no one had ever asked her to talk about before. According to Eve Ensler, “women secretly love to talk about their vaginas” and… once they get going, you can’t stop them! As a result, the play explores, sometimes graphically, a wide range of vagina related topics touching on sexual fantasies & taboos, love, rape, male to female transition, orgasm, genital mutilation, masturbation, child birth…

Even though many stories recall traumatic memories, the play is never sad. On the contrary, its tone is generally hilarious and it will make you laugh out loud! The monologues represent the positive outcome of a healing process, hence the women at stake do no longer feel ashamed or diminished. Instead they are joyful & proud to have come on stage;  for being the stars of the show despite being survivors of domestic violence and rapes. They have become a kind of heroes. In short, the creation and delivery process of the play has, over the years, empowered many women to finally speak up & feel good about it!

Since it was first performed in 1996, Eve Ensler’s masterpiece has also progressively become a very effective tool to support the fight for “the elimination of violence against women” around the world. For this cause, EWE will donate its share in your ticket cost to selected “Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE)” NGO members which are supporting women in the Ukraine and in neighboring countries to survive the war (full info: https://www.betterplace.at/support-womens-human-rights-defenders-in-ua).


Cast: Emilee Bonner, Kirsty Grace, Adriana Green, Sarah Hübner, Cristina Richardson

Director: Isabelle Rege

Producer: The East & West Encounter Theatre Group (EWE)